Concorde built from LEGO parts

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Ryan McNaught (aka "The Brickman„) Is a young man passionate about children LEGO bricks, being one of the 13 certified professionals worldwide. He has won various awards with his creations, all built from LEGO. When not creating with LEGO, he prefers to spend time with his family.

Concorde from Lego




Recently, after presenting a work that represents the TITANIC torn in two and for which he used 120 000 of LEGO pieces, Ryan McNaught used 65 000 of LEGO bricks to build a Concord under the colors Air France. It is a section work that highlights the interior of the aircraft to the most important details.

LEGO AGREEMENT is built very carefully, respecting the lines of the legendary Concorde aircraft. If you look closely, you may even notice a croissant on the kitchen table.

READ: Serenity ship and passion for LEGO

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