Aeroflot launches low-cost airline "Dobrolet" (video)

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Today, 10 October 2013, Aeroflot launched low-cost airline "Dobrolet„. Initially, it was the name of a Russian airline established in 1923, a predecessor of today's Aeroflot. Vladimir Gorbunov has been appointed general manager of Dobrolet. Dobrolet means "good plane".


The new airline will be based at the airport Domodedovo from Moscow. In the first year of activity, Dobrolet will operate 8 aircraft, and in the future the fleet will grow on average with 8 aircraft per year. Only one type of aircraft with one corridor will be used, as it is Boeing 737-800 Next Generation. All aircraft will be configured in one class.

The operational plans show that Dobrolet will operate the first flights in the spring of 2014. For a start, it will fly to the most popular destinations on the European side of Russia. The ticket prices will be on average about 40% lower compared to those of competition.

Aeroflot owns the entire package of "Dobrolet" shares and estimates an investment of approximately 100 million dollars in the first 2 years of activity. Vitaly Savelyev, CEO of Aeroflot, has great confidence in the new airline and considers it to be of huge importance to Russia.

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