An unmanned aircraft (drone) was detected in Romanian airspace

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Regarding the information regarding the evolution in the Romanian airspace, during the night of Thursday, March 10, of an unmanned aircraft, MApN makes the following clarifications: Romania's airspace surveillance system spotted on Thursday, March 10, a small aerial object, most likely an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone), which evolved in the national airspace for a very short period of time, under three minutes.

The aircraft entered the Romanian airspace, coming from Ukraine, around 23.23 and left the national airspace around 23.26, heading to Hungary.

The evolution of this aircraft object for a very short time in the national airspace, the high speed, the low flight altitude, associated with the rugged terrain and the weather conditions at that time, did not allow the use of other procedural measures to identify this aircraft in flight.

In conclusion, it is confirmed that a Ukrainian reconnaissance drone crashed in Zagreb!

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