The black boxes of the Boeing 737-800 UIA, crashed near Tehran, will be sent to Kiev

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On 8 January 2020, a Boeing 737-800 UIA was shot down "by accident" by the Iranian Army. After the tragic accident, they lost their lives NUMBER of passengers and 9 crew members.

Within hours of the accident, the Iranians found the black boxes and kept them. They refused to send them to decoding. Iran does not have the necessary equipment and experience to extract and decode black box information. We know that anyway the plane was shot down by 2 rockets.

The black boxes of the Boeing 737-800 UIA

But today, the head of the Iranian investigation team has announced that it will send the 2 black boxes to Kiev. Then specialists from the United States, France and Canada will try to extract the data. We mention that the 2 black boxes are not in the best condition. The explosion and fire affected their structures.

If not resolved in Kiev, the black boxes could be transferred to a specialized laboratory in France. The investigation is continuing to establish exactly the thread of the events of the morning of January 8. And it is very important to find out how much was wrong and what was "wrong". And the guilty pay.

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