The Sully movie in cinemas / The human factor makes a difference

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The movie Sully entered theaters. The wait is over.


Screening is done in Warner Bros. studios. Pictures is directed by Clint Eastwood. The script was written by Todd Komarnicki, based on the aviation incident on 15 January 2009. He plays Tom Hanks (Commander Sully Sullenberger), who got into the character's skin very well.

Go watch this movie. Even if you aren't passionate about airplanes, the "Miracle on the Hudson" will captivate you. We will not tell you about the movie, but we will mention a few thoughts that we left with Sully.

When an aviation incident / accident happens, do not rush to draw conclusions and judge the situations. Each case is unique and the human factor matters. No matter how many simulations it takes, nothing can prepare 100% a human for reality. Only experience, intuition and skill make the difference. The speed of reaction plays an important role in crisis situations, and sometimes it is good to get out of the pattern.

Did Sully do the right thing, taking the decision to board the Airbus A320 on the Hudson River? Were there any alternative ways to safely bring the aircraft to the ground? Investigators analyzed all the tracks. You will find the answers in the movie.

And in the movie we share your motto: better a delay than a catastrophe.

Clear sky!

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