The first flight for Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 TEN engines

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On 7 December, 2016, engines Rolls-Royce Trent NEVER TEN (Thrust, Efficiency and New technology) flew for the first time on the wings of a Boeing 787.


Rolls-Royce Trent NEVER TEN

At the aircraft sleeve, which operated special flight AZ004, was Jennifer Henderson, test pilot. The plane reached altitude of NEVER TWO meters (43000 ft) and flew at a top speed of 1041 km/h (0.85 mach).

New engines Trent NEVER TEN will equip all versions of the Dreamliner aircraft, including the Boeing 787-10. In addition to the new technologies implemented and the operational efficiency (fuel consumption up to 3% lower than the competition), the new ones Trent NEVER TEN they come with better traction power, up to 78lbf.

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