Express line 783, on the route Unirii Square Bucharest - Otopeni Airport

0 72.495

From September 13, 2018, RATB rebranded into STB. The routes have not been changed, but have undergone several schedule changes. Below you have some information about the express line 783, on the route Piața Unirii Bucharest - Otopeni Airport.

As can be seen, express line 783 is not changed. There are 15 stations in the direction of Unirii Square - Otopeni Airport and 17 stations in the direction of Otopeni Airport - Unirii Square.

Schedule 783 express line

And the schedule of express line 783, on the route Unirii Square - Otopeni Airport - Unirii Square remained the same.

A trip costs 3.5 lei, regardless of the hour. At night, an 783 bus runs approximately 40-45 minutes between Unirii Square and Otopeni Airport.

But the day does more due to the traffic and the considerable number of stations. You can buy trips from STB centers, which are found in most stations. At the airport, at the Arrivals station, you also have ticket machines, as well as a ticket office where you can request additional information.

See also information about 780 express line, on the route Basarab Railway Station - Otopeni Airport. More information about STB routes!

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