ROMATSA updated the NOTAM related to flights. Flights from Romania to EU countries are not suspended!

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On 3 November 2020, ROMATSA updated the NOTAM regarding the suspended flights. It was updated in accordance with the new Decision no. 51, which approves list of countries / areas with high epidemiological risk.

According to him, flights to: Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, French Polynesia, Gibraltar, Guam, Montenegro. But as far as we know, Romania has not had and does not have direct flights with these countries.

At this moment, Romania no longer suspends direct flights with EU countries. But discouraging tourist travel through the new measures adopted by European countries will lead to the cancellation of many flights.

If you have flights scheduled in November and December, we recommend that you inform the airline directly about their availability.

The NOTAM entered into force on November 3, 2020, at 16:13 p.m. It expires on November 13, at 23:59 p.m. That is, if there are no other restrictions until that date.

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