Flight UA890 took off on 1 January 2017 and landed on 31 December 2016

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Passengers on a United Airlines flight can travel in time. UA890 flight, which connects Shanghai to San Francisco, can transport passengers back in time.

Time travel with United

This also happened the night before, when the Boeing 787-9 took off on 1 January 2017, at 00: 30, and landed in San Francisco on 31 December 2016, at 18: 34. The flight duration was 10: 03 hours.


Normally the flight duration is approximately 11 hours and 5 minutes, and the return in time is possible due to the time difference, 16 hours between Shanghai and San Francisco, but also the flight over the Pacific.


Unite Airlines operates this daily flight. For those who want a trip back in time, take advantage of this flight.

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