A racist passenger refuses to stand next to a black woman (Video)

On a RYANAIR flight, a racist passenger refuses to stand next to a black woman. Are you curious what happened? Everything below!

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In our opinion, racism should not be tolerated, and people who discriminate should be punished. Not the same thing happened on a RYANAIR flight.

A white passenger refuses to stay near a lady of color. But even an insult: "YOU UGLY BLACK BASTARD". He threatened to push her out of her chair if she didn't move. It all happened on a RYANAIR flight from October 19.

Racism on a RYANAIR flight

The footage was shot by another passenger, who wanted to sound an alarm. Despite the act of racism, the outraged passenger was allowed to continue his flight without being sanctioned, enjoying more space and complete service on board. The lady was moved from her seat.

The filming was recorded by David Lawrence

RYANAIR closes its eyes on acts of racism? How would you have done in this situation?

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