Fear of flying or aerophobia

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More than 10 years have passed since I started flying, during which time I have collected hundreds of flights, thousands of flight hours, hundreds of thousands of kilometers flown in different corners of the world. I admit that I was not afraid of flying and flyingI even liked it and I like to fly. But not all passengers fly with the same relaxation as I do.

Although flying has become accessible and a very common form of transportation, there are still people who are afraid to fly. And I'm not to be condemned.

The phobia of flying, also known as aerophobia / aviophobia, is a type of specific phobia that most people experience in various forms. It is a normal reaction to a stress stimulus over which we have no control.

Even though I personally don't have a fear of flying that would cause me problems, I can't help but notice the fact that some passengers go through all kinds of emotions and sensations in different stages of the flight. During the hundreds of flights, I saw women and men manifesting differently because of the fear of airplanes and flights.

People who are afraid of flying experience intense and persistent fear or anxiety when considering the flight, as well as during the flight. They will avoid flying if they can, and fear, anxiety and avoidance cause significant suffering and affect their ability to function.

Flight phobia or Aerophobia is triggered by various causes. There is no exact recipe, but there are external factors that can influence this fear of flying.

There are people who develop aerophobia due to factors that are not directly related to flight. There are people who are struggling with social anxiety, germophobia, claustrophobia or facing another problem. This can develop a phobia or fear of being in the air.

But some people end up with aerophobia in terms of their own flight experiences. Maybe they experienced unpleasant moments during a flight or maybe they were involved in a plane crash and then there is this flight reluctance. Others experience aerophobia through the experiences of those close to them.

Regardless of the causes mentioned above, we all experience in the plane the feeling of losing control that leads to the feeling of helplessness and lack of control, a feeling hard to accept for our psyche. Sometimes this phobia can lead to a panic attack

We can improve and even overcome the feeling of fear of flying / Aerophobia

Before each flight, those with aerophobia should mentally prepare for this experience. He should learn to control his breathing. Breathing control, with long breaths and exhalations, will help the brain to be able to regain control and function at normal capacity, being properly oxygenated. If possible, cold water on our hands and face helps us to become masters of the situation again.

It is good to take control of thoughts and replace irrational thoughts with something rational. For example, the thought of "what could go wrong" could be replaced by positive thinking about what we can do at the destination. Whenever we find ourselves slipping back into irrational thoughts, we will tell the mind, "I am calm, quiet, relaxed, in control of myself, able to handle any situation."

Relaxation techniques can be developed if we go through a period of aerophobia. We can cope better with aerophobia if we develop techniques to help calm us down. We can try new techniques of breathing, visualization or progressive muscle relaxation to relieve symptoms. There are things that meditation, prayer, or entertainment can help you overcome.

It is recommended that you do not look at "Disasters in the Air" if you know you are afraid of flying, although these documentaries show us how safe the flight has been. Put all your trust in the cabin crew, pilots and aircraft.

We wish you clear skies and smooth flights!

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