The tax on holidays abroad or how tourism employers want to destroy travel agencies!

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I present to you an idea about how Romanian tourism is being destroyed and how the travel agencies will be incarnated! Below is a news item about a foreign holiday tax, the tax on the luxury of going on holiday to nice / decent places. The initiators proposed this tax with the "purpose" of raising the money needed to promote Romanian tourist destinations internationally. That is, some money that will go into the pockets of those from tourism employers and those from the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism. But let's present the news!

Special tax for Romanians going on holiday abroad

Employers in the tourism industry have proposed a new legislative initiative to contribute to the promotion of Romanian tourism internationally. At the request of a large number of economic agents in the tourism field and to meet the urgent need to establish a Destination Management Organization, the Administrative Council of the Romanian Tourism Patronage Federation (FPTR) recently appointed a working group led by the first the vice-president Nicolae Bucovală, with the aim of developing a new legislative proposal to complete the current legislation in this field, shows

Patronages in the field of tourism are preparing for the introduction of a special tourist promotion tax addressed to Romanian tourists who spend their holidays abroad. This tax will be collected by the travel agencies that provide services to their customers. 

For now, it is still being discussed how this tax will be implemented - either as a fixed amount per day of stay or as a percentage of the total value of the stay. The proceeds from this tax will be directed to the central Destination Management Organization that will be established, and these amounts will be added to the tourism promotion budget allocated by the Government of Romania.

It is also being considered to extend this tax to online travel agencies such as Booking or other online travel booking platforms. If a special tax of one euro per day were established, and one million Romanians spent an average 5-day vacation abroad, it would mean approximately 5.000.000 euros that would reach the Destination Management Organization.

Although at first glance the amount may seem small, it should be borne in mind that Romania allocates only two million euros annually for the promotion of tourism, so the money collected from the special promotion tax proposed by FPTR could help enormously to improve Romania's image abroad. However, it remains to be seen whether travel agencies and online tourist booking platforms will agree to this proposal which is already approved by the leadership of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism.

You thought you were paying too much tax! How about getting this approved too? We believe that this tax will fall or will be poorly implemented or can be easily avoided by refusing to buy vacations through Romanian travel agencies and commercial platforms.

Great idiot who issued this tax idea!

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