Top 5 surprising trades at Frankfurt airport

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After I introduced you Top 5 extremely demanding trades in aviation, we present to you 5 lesser-known trades. With the support of Discovery Channel, we present exclusively this top.

Top 5 trades


Honey Truck Driver
As it sounds, it looks like a very "sweet" job, but in reality it is one that smells terrible. The waste disposal system on board an aircraft is one of the most frequently checked and cleaned pipeline networks three times more often than engines. The person responsible for evacuating and cleaning the septic tanks after each flight is the driver of the "honey truck", who must manually connect the respective pipes to the truck. A job that, if not done flawlessly, leaves much misery behind.

An airplane taking off and landing burns up to 3 tons of fuel. As a result, Frankfurt Airport has a beekeeper whose mission is to deal with the 300,000 of honey bees that gather pollen and nectar from the area, covering a route of almost 80 kilometers. The beekeeper monitors the chemical quality of honey produced, in order to evaluate the impact of the airport on the environment and the local atmosphere. Depending on how polluted the honey is, measures can be taken to limit pollution in the area and reduce the impact of the airport in the region.

The fish caretaker
This airport has twice as many animals every day as humans, and each has its own set of problems. In Frankfurt, fish enjoy special care from the animal care team, who must keep all these lives calm, to keep the limited supply of oxygen they have available. What's the secret? In a world where every shadow represents a prey animal, the airport's fish caregiver warms these species in a blue light, thus diminishing the chances of the emergence of shadows which would be an absolutely useless stress factor during the trip.

Responsible for bird monitoring, as a risk factor
Frankfurt Airport annually records about 100-200 of collisions between birds and aircraft. In order to protect both birds and passengers, the person responsible for monitoring this risk factor must create a hostile atmosphere for birds that would try to nest in the area. Useful elements in this job include the remote alert system, the pyrotechnics, but also the foxes allowed to roam around the area, in order to hunt the mice that would otherwise be looking for the most dangerous species they can face. a plane: birds of prey.

The driver of the rubber waste truck
Airplanes that land at speed on the runway are a big headache for the crews of maintenance of these surfaces, because the burnt rubber residues left behind clog the grooves specially designed to drain rainwater. Thus, after a strong storm, the rainwater that gathers on the slopes can turn them into a dangerous, slippery surface. The driver of the truck that removes these rubber fragments uses pressurized water jets to remove not a few residues, because in 10 weeks can accumulate quantities of up to 5 tons, ie the equivalent of 60 new tires.

More about these trades as well behind the scenes of Frankfurt International Airporton Discovery Channel.

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