The first Airbus A321neo ACF (Airbus Cabin Flex) was assembled

Airbus has completed the assembly of the first A321neo ACF (Airbus Cabin Flex) based in Hamburg, Germany.

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On 5 January, Airbus unveiled the first Airbus A321neo ACF (Airbus Cabin Flex). It was assembled at the base in Hamburg, Germany. The aircraft, which will be powered by CFM LEAP-1A engines, will undergo ground tests before the first scheduled flight in the following weeks.

Airbus A321neo ACF

A321neo ACF is the latest member of the Airbus A320 family. By the modifications applied to the fuselage, a A321neo ACF can carry up to 240 passengers.

Compared to the previous version of A321, A321neo ACF comes with visible changes on the fuselage. First, emergency exits have been modified. The front door has been removed, but other 2 emergency exits have been added above the wings.

If in a classic A321 or Neo we can see 4 normal doors on one side, in the new A321neo ACF we see 3 normal access / exit doors and 2 small exits located above the wings.

The Airbus A321neo ACF will be the basis of the longer-range version, also known as A321LR. The pattern A321LR has MTOW (Maximum Take Off Weight) of 97 tonnes and a third fuel tank, which will allow increased range up to 7400 kilometers.

The first delivery of an A321LR is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2018. And the first delivery of an A321neo ACF aircraft will be delivered later this year.

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