British airports could waive security rules for liquids in hand luggage!

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Thanks to new 3D scanners to be installed at major UK airports, airport authorities are considering removing the restriction on liquids in hand luggage. The UK government is considering installing high-tech scanners at airports across the country.

With the new scanners in place, security rules on removing liquids and laptops from hand luggage could be scrapped in the UK from 2024. A final decision has yet to be made, but what could this mean for the future of air travel?

Currently, the rules require passengers to put all liquids in special containers, and these in a clear plastic bag. Passengers are allowed to take in hand luggage liquids in containers of maximum 100 ml, which in total do not exceed one liter. The plastic bag must be removed from the hand luggage when going through security checks. The liquid pouch should be placed in a tray with any laptop or tablet.

With the introduction of the new 3D scanners, passengers will no longer have to remove liquids or laptops from their luggage. The technology is similar to CT scanners used in hospitals.

"We have just started the expansion of the security area in Terminal 3, which will have more CT scanners and a deadline of mid-2024," said Heathrow Airport chief executive John Holland-Kaye. "Until then, passengers must comply with the current rules regarding the transport of liquids in hand luggage".

Around the world, restrictions on liquids in hand luggage are fairly standard. The US, EU, UK and dozens of other nations follow the same rules. There are only a few exceptions. The liquid limit is high for domestic flights in Australia, Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and New Zealand, for example. However, if you are unsure of the rules, it is always best to check on the airline's website. 

It is worth mentioning that Avram Iancu International Airport in Cluj-Napoca has such modern scanners installed, and passengers can travel with liquids in hand luggage.

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