Airbus A340-600 Iberia on the route Brussels - Madrid

Do you want to experience a flight with A340-600 Iberia? Book your seat on the flight from 11 December, on the route Brussels - Madrid.

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On December 11, 2017, Iberia flew you with the A340-600 in the direction of Brussels - Madrid. There will be an additional flight open to passengers. Iberia has flown and will fly with the A340-600 on this route, but the aircraft is used for cargo transport.

A340-600 Iberia on the route Brussels - Madrid


It is also a surprise for us that it opened the flight on December 11, on the direction Brussels - Madrid, for passengers. The price of a ticket starts from 129 EURO. Flight schedule IB3209 Brussels 17:15 - 19:40 Madrid.

Iberia normally operates daily flights on the Madrid - Brussels - Madrid route with A319 / A320 aircraft.

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