Hotel Intercontinental will become Grand Hotel Bucharest

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The Intercontinental Hotel, this symbol of Romania, will be renamed Grand Hotel Bucharest, from January 1, 2022. The decision comes as a result of the fact that, on December 31, the management contract between the Intercontinenal Romania SA Hotel Company and the Intercontinental Hotel Group (IHG) ends, it is announced., citing the announcement made by the owners.

This will not change anything in the activity of the hotel. The new Grand Hotel Bucharest will continue its activity and will offer its guests the same hotel services as before, in accordance with the position and reputation it has in the hotel landscape, it is also shown in the announcement.

At the same time, the property will be part of a major renovation and modernization project starting in 2022. This transformation process aims to bring the property up to the latest hotel standards to meet the current demands of guests.

The improvements will aim to increase the quality of guest experiences, increase satisfaction indicators, and align with international design and hospitality trends. The completion of the modernization project is planned for 2024, the value of the investments being estimated at 21 million Euros.

The Intercontinental Hotel was officially inaugurated on May 14, 1971, in the presence of the mayor of the capital, other Romanian officials, as well as the president of Tower International, the main financier, notes Agerpres.

The first guest of the hotel was registered on February 20, 1971, being an American citizen. Over time, a number of personalities have been housed here, such as Kurt Waldheim, UN Secretary-General Gustav Heinemann, President of the Federal Republic of Germany, American tycoon David Rockefeller, and Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti.

At the Intercontinental Hotel there is the room where the interior shots of the famous movie "Nea Marin billionaire", a film made in 1979, were filmed!

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