Six activities to do on the plane so you don't get bored!

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Flying an airplane can be a really fun and exciting experience! Whether you're traveling for fun or for work, you're sure to enjoy the new places you visit. But getting to your destination, flying can be the hard part of the journey. Fortunately, there are plenty of activities you can do on the plane to keep you occupied and entertained. Below in this article, you will find 10 fun activities you can do while flying.


Perhaps the most popular activity you can do during a flight is playing games on your phone/tablet. You can download many games directly to your phone and play them without internet access. But now the internet is found on most planes, which can make it easier for you to play some games directly online. Gambling enthusiasts can try their luck directly on online casino platforms, playing the popular ones pecan games.

The music

Create some playlists of your favorite music. Pick some classic songs that you can listen to again and again, as well as some new songs that you haven't had a chance to listen to yet. You can also use a streaming app like Spotify or Pandora to create your own playlists. Via the Wi-Fi on board you can also access YouTube or other music sources.


It's trendy now to watch and listen to podcasts. Podcasts are a great way to pass the time in flight. You can listen to podcasts on various educational topics or entertainment podcasts. You can also listen to comedy, literary or news podcasts.

You can also download a few shows before your flight so if the plane doesn't have internet on board, you'll still have hours of entertainment.


flights are ideal times to enjoy your favorite movies. Most planes, especially those on long routes, provide passengers with an entertainment system including hundreds of movies. Check out what options are on offer and choose one you've never seen before, or an old classic to help pass the time. You can also download a movie to your smartphone or tablet ahead of time so you can watch your favorite movie or maybe a series, a trilogy.

Read on

If you don't want to stare at screens, there are plenty of other options for fun and relaxing activities to do during the flight. You can read a book, a favorite magazine, a newspaper with current news, etc. There are airlines that provide you with different magazines and newspapers. As for books, you can take your favorite book from home. Flights can actually be a great chance to get some uninterrupted reading time.


The flight can be a good opportunity to rest. It is known that sleep can make the flight go by faster and you will arrive at your destination full of energy. Find a comfortable position, use a neck pillow and relax. You can also listen to some classical, soothing music to help you fall asleep.

In conclusion, flying can be a good opportunity to do different activities that you normally don't do or don't have time for. You can even complete a puzzle or play sudoku to train your mind. You can enjoy the view from the height and even work on your daily tasks.  

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