The number of canceled European flights is increasing

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In the last two weeks there has been a significant increase in flights canceled at European airports, culminating in the cancellation of hundreds of flights over the weekend (June 4-5). In the UK, 4% of flights were canceled on Saturday, June 4, and in the Netherlands 11% of scheduled flights were canceled on the same day. 

Cancellations also rose from French and Spanish airports last weekend, although they may have simply had repercussions for cancellations in other countries. Although there is a visible jump in cancellations of flights from Spanish airports, the proportion is still relatively low, reaching a peak of 1,2% on June 5, although this is much higher than was the case for most of May. .

The airports and airlines involved spoke of staff shortages

The airports and airlines involved talked about the shortage of staff and the time it takes to bring new staff on board, including obtaining security clearance to work and travel around the airport. Although the airports are crowded, not the large number of flights would be the cause. Although flight volumes are gradually increasing, they do not reflect the pattern of cancellations. Let's not forget that the global operational level is below that recorded before the pandemic.

Undoubtedly, the fact that 11% of flights canceled in the Netherlands in one day have a huge impact on passengers on that day, but it is exceptional. Throughout May, flight cancellations averaged less than 2% in the Netherlands, 0,6% at French airports, 1,1% at UK airports and 0,2% at Spanish airports. 

In addition, where cancellations took place, these were mainly short-haul and regional flights. In the week between May 30 and June 5, only 1,1% of flights between the US and the Netherlands were canceled, compared to 16,5% of flights to Germany.

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