The truth about 5G - between myth and reality! Four reasons to use 5G technology!

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Undoubtedly, we can say without exaggeration that many companies have been significantly affected by the current crisis. Due to the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic, most of the companies had to change the way they operate and quickly change the company's networks in such a way as to allow them to work from home.

During the pandemic, we all witnessed all sorts of misinformation and fake news about new technologies, such as 5G. Many have blamed the pandemic on 5G technology and the fact that the virus does not exist, but is just a form in which the authorities want to control the masses. It's all a lie made up by some and others.

Physicist Cristian Presură explains to everyone what 5G technology is and what it could be used for!

Now that we've calmed down about 5G technology and found out what the main benefits are, let's see what we can do with the new technology. Economic growth is a reality in many countries, and another thing that can contribute to this positive development is 5G technology. It is time to explore the business potential of this revolutionary technology that could make a significant contribution to the recovery of the post-pandemic economy.

Why are we looking forward to 5G?

Compared to existing 4G technology, the new technology offers an exponential increase in performance, which is evidenced by the speed of almost 100x higher and the increase in supported devices from four thousand to about one million per square kilometer. Even if 5G technology will be a huge advantage for individual users who, for example, want Netflix streaming to work smoothly, no doubt the main value of the technology is its use in the corporate and industrial area.

Cyber ​​speed and security for small and medium enterprises

For small and medium enterprises, 5G technology has an immediate advantage in the form of WAN backup interconnection. In the case of a primary WAN connection wedge, served with either metal or optical cables, no doubt companies will appreciate the ability of 5G technology to function as a backup WAN connection and immediately ensure continuity of operation. Another big advantage of 5G for companies is a faster connection and a higher transfer capacity, which is exactly why customers who want to prepare their networks for the future are moving en masse to this technology. In addition, by switching to 5G, companies will avoid the costs and problems of installing multiple layers of WAN infrastructure.

Industry 4.0

Higher speed, lower latency and higher transfer capacity bring new opportunities not only for users but also for the industry, namely in the industry. Thanks to the start of Industry 4.0 and intelligent automation, companies can say goodbye to inflexible production lines and inaccurate monitoring of the production process. Smarter factories mean safer, more productive, more efficient and more sustainable systems, fewer production breaks due to maintenance and greater production flexibility.

Wireless networks in office and production facilities do not always have the best connection quality. All these problems are solved by the 5G network slicing architecture that prevents delays and interruptions in the network. This architecture ensures a high quality internet connection and at the same time helps to secure the networks. 5G technology also makes sense as the primary WAN in new factories, as it allows automation of production and the supply chain, real-time vehicle traffic monitoring and data synchronization.

Easy integration

On the market there is a wide range of solutions from which any customer will choose according to his needs. For example, extremely durable products are available for factories that can ensure wide internet coverage regardless of weather conditions. Users will certainly appreciate the fact that, unlike devices connected with optical cables, customers do not have to call a specialized company to install and configure these products and that the most advantageous place for installation can be determined by the mobile application themselves. .

5G technology means higher speed, lower latency. When you're going to watch movies online or play your favorite game, think about doing it with millions of other people, and you certainly don't want to go hard or block your network. At the same time, if we talk strictly about the use of technology in business and in various other branches, we can give the example of medicine. What would it be like for a doctor in the US to be able to operate on a patient in Europe via the Internet? In this context, everything must happen in real time, and each action must happen instantly not at x seconds apart.

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