A Romanian was fined 400 EURO in Rome for not having a Green Pass!

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A 50-year-old Romanian citizen is the first person fined for not having a Green Pass on a bus in Rome. The man was sanctioned this morning in Piazzale Flaminio by the local police in Rome, during routine checks on public transport in the Italian capital, informs www.romatoday.it.

When the police asked him to show the Green Pass, the passenger mentioned that he did not have it and that he would be vaccinated soon. Thus, he was fined 400 EURO. The second fine was taken to Anagnina. And in this case, another Romanian citizen was sanctioned, who arrived in Rome by bus from Tivoli.

In recent days, with the entry into force of the obligation to present the Green Pass in the means of transport, "Attack" has sent to the Prefecture of Rome a number of areas that need to be checked carefully due to the increased flow of passengers. In addition to Piazza dei Cinquecento, there were checks in Anagnina, Laurentina, Ponte Mammolo, Piazza dei Giureconsulti and Tiburtina station. But also Piazza Venezia, Trastevere train station, Piazza Mancini, Piazzale Clodio and the Lido center.

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