The fine of 4 million euros given by ANPC to Blue Air was reduced by the court to 100.000 lei.

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The fine of 4 million euros given by ANPC, which buried Blue Air, was reduced by the court to 100.000 lei, i.e. 200 times less.

Rejects the exception of inadmissibility invoked by the respondent as unfounded.

Admits in part COMPLAINT contravention formulated by the petitioner BLUE AIR AVIATION SA in opposition to the respondent NATIONAL AUTHORITY FOR CONSUMER PROTECTION.

Cancels in part the Minutes of finding the contravention ANPC series no. 935562 dated 14.06.2022, as well as the Report of analysis and establishment of the sanction no. 04 issued by the respondent on 12.07.2022. Provides for the contraventional sanctioning of the petition with a fine of 100.000 lei for the deed provided by art. 6 para. (1) lit. b), c) and d) from Law no. 363/2007 retained in its charge, that following the application of the more favorable contravention law and removes the complementary measure of restitution of the value of the canceled services and related compensations within a maximum of 10 days according to art. 12 ind. 1 paragraph (1) lit. a) from Law no. 363/2007, as a result of the application of the more favorable contravention law, maintaining the proposed measure to stop the unfair practice as legal and well-founded.

The execution of the sanction ordered in accordance with art. 32 para. (3) from Ordinance no. 2/2001 regarding the legal regime of contraventions. Rejects the rest of the contravention complaint as unfounded. With right of appeal within 30 days of communication. The appeal and grounds of appeal are submitted to the Bucharest District Court 1.

Pronounced by making the solution available to the parties through the mediation of the court registry, today, 25.05.2023.

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