Dan Air flights from Brașov: Yes or No?

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The press reported on the Dan Air flights from Brașov, but did so without a minimum verification of the information. Someone started a rumor and everyone swallowed the dumpling. Even the Brașov authorities were taken by surprise, denying the existence of these flights. The President of Brașov Regional Council, Adrian Veștea, did not confirm the flights given as safe by the air operator.

Now Dan Air defends itself and says that it is considering flying from Brașov, that some discussions were held with the director of the airport and that the situation is under control, only that it does not guarantee the operation of these flights. Dan Air officials say that these flights from Brașov Airport are 90% confirmed, only that in aviation there is 0% or 100%, the rest are just discussions.

From our experience of more than 11 years of Airlinestravel, it is difficult to make flights on new routes, announced 2-3 months in advance. Even less so when we are talking about A320 type planes that have 180 seats. Even the frequency of a weekly flight is not beneficial. How can a plane of such capacity be loaded, if there is not even a ticketing website at the moment? Plus, the announced routes are city break routes, not seven-day stays. And Brașov is completely new!

It is premature to discuss frequent flights from Brasov. The only officially announced and confirmed routes from Brașov are the charter ones to Greece and Turkey. The rest is bullshit! We are not saying that Dan Air could not fly from Brașov, only that the matter is currently uncertain. Maybe from 2024, maybe from the fall of 2023, everything is possible!

Dan Air currently has 2 A320 aircraft (YR-DSE and YR-RAM) and one of them flies for Jazeera Airways.

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