Bulgaria vignette 2024: how much does the vignette cost in Bulgaria and how to buy it!

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The fees for electronic vignettes in Bulgaria, for means of transport weighing up to 3,5 tons, will be reduced by 10% starting from January 1, 2024.

Once you enter Bulgaria, don't forget to buy the sticker. Whether you are traveling through Bulgaria or spending a few days in the neighboring country south of the Danube, a vignette is a must. If you missed / forgot to buy a vignette in Bulgaria, expect a fine.

It is good to know that e-vignette also exists in Bulgaria. You no longer have to stick a label on the windshield, but you can conveniently register your car online. In Bulgaria, the system of issuing electronic vignettes for the use of public road infrastructure for a fee by categories of motor vehicles with a total permissible mass of less than 3,5 tonnes and for the other categories (minibuses, car parks, coaches) operates the electronic road toll system based on distance traveled (type e-Toll) (www.bgtoll.bg (official site)).

The electronic sticker must be purchased at the latest on entry into Bulgaria

Electronic vignettes can be issued for a period of 1 year, 3 months, 1 month, 1 week or only on Saturdays and Sundays (vignette de the end de week) only for cars and means of transport with a total permissible mass of up to 3,5 tonnes. They are issued for each means of transport, in part, depending on the category to which it belongs, based on the registration number.

The electronic sticker is valid only for the means of transport whose registration number has been registered, regardless of whether its owners or users change.

The price of the electronic vignette in Bulgaria, valid for 2023, for the category of motor vehicles with a total allowable mass of less than 3,5 tons, is highlighted according to the duration of validity, as follows:

The cost of vignettes in Bulgaria, from January 1, 2024

  • electronic vignette valid for 1 year: 87 lever;
  • electronic vignette valid for 3 months: 48 lever;
  • electronic vignette valid for 1 month: 27 lever;
  • electronic vignette valid for 1 week: 13 lever;
  • electronic vignette valid for a weekend: 9 leva.

We emphasize that the electronic vignette must be purchased at the latest upon entry into the territory of Bulgaria. Otherwise, you run the risk of being penalized by a countervailing charge for driving a tolled national road segment without a vignette, even if you subsequently purchased the appropriate electronic vignette.

The compensatory fee is paid on the spot at the time of the check, only with a debit or credit bank card. Its amount differs depending on the category and characteristics of the vehicle, as follows:

  • Cars - 70 levs (approx. 36 euros);
  • Truck weighing 3,5 t - 12 t - 150 levs (77 euros);
  • Truck weighing over 12 t with 2-3 axles - 450 levs (230 euros);
  • Truck weighing more than 12 t with 4 or more axles - 750 levs (383 euros);
  • Passenger cars with more than 8 people - 150 levs (77 euros).   

Bulgarian electronic vignette distribution network consists of refueling stations (eg Petrol AD, Lukoil EOOD, OMV OOD, EKO, Rompetrol, Shell Bulgaria EAD, etc.), post offices, EasyPay or FastPay branches and other business partners.

The electronic vignette can be purchased Online through the site www.bgtoll.bg (with Romanian version as well - https://www.bgtoll.bg/ro/rovinieta-electronica).

We emphasize that in the case of the purchase of the electronic vignette for Bulgaria through Bank transfer, it will be activated after about three business days, due to the procedures and technology time specific to the bank payment confirmation system. In case of payment Online with bank card (e-banking), activation of the electronic vignette for Bulgaria occurs immediately within a few minutes.

ATM terminals have been installed throughout the Republic of Bulgaria, from where drivers can purchase electronic vignette.

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